Options expiration Friday is full of shenanigans with market makers doing their best to kill premium and manuever the market to their liking.  Sometimes chop and randomness fits my style to a T and today was one of those. 

77 Trades is a lot and I can tell the exhaustion lead to losing focus a few times and I had to take a step back more than once to level off my head. OPEX days (and the last week) I was eager to move the stops in the money sooner than later. 

Topstep Combine Step 2

A few trades on YM:  The yellow box is the 5 minute opening range with the light blue being VWAP.  The Hull MA is orange.

1 A re-visit to the opening range low
2 looking for a retrace from the top of the range
3 Price action popped through the mid of keltner channel to a pull-back entry - sold at VWAP
4 Entered long again with consolidation above mid - major pop and sold top of the channel

About 200 points ($1000)

Friday sept16 Ym Trade

 Friday sept16 trade summary

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